Monday, February 3, 2020

Collectic Media - Your Community, Journalism 3.0

"Communities of Purpose”SM

Business Summary

The Company:

Collectic Media LLC is currently a Connecticut based Limited Liability Company.

Intent is to convert to a B Corporation structure.

Our contact number is (860) 550-3483

Mr. Terry Kelliher is the Principal contact @ 


Collectic’s plan is to disrupt the local journalism market with a sustainable business model of features to usurp the local newspaper and nascent local social media market.  Expanding from our calendar, bulletin and group features we provide an outlet for active individual and community group participation.  Our media platform services provide social interaction, content tools and commerce features supporting the journalism needs for every local community!



Collectic’s open government features provided by its B corporate status connects citizens with their government and community interest needs. Collectic seeks to build the bottom up local to regional and state nonpartisan journalism needs and features to interconnect community in today’s media driven world.  The business of the newspaper industry we are supplanting was not News!   It was the commerce of the community supporting News!  By first providing an interactive directory of access to local and state government participants we expand to connect and support community groups to create our trusted journalism platform.  Our directory features are interactive with features to meet today’s communication needs. We create the ability  

to further connect participants with the content provided by their community.  Our commerce features provide media services in support of local commerce.  It has repeatedly been proven advertising alone will not sustain credible local curated news supporting the need to provide trusted journalism to your or any community. Collectic from its business model seeks to gain support for its effort to bring trust to its journalism platform.

Collectic has amassed ownership of 3000+ domain addresses to support an organic SEO effort while branding its content into content clusters.  Unique different business models are necessary to gain significant traction required for today’s media environment.  We provide topical niche site services or content clusters of community interests under the topic headings of health, business, education, religion, sports, military, finance, education, lifestyle, travel, finance, issues and community groups, politics and government.  To these independent niche media topics, we offer group site services, directories, public service and local commerce features.  All sites and services use Collectic as their common registration with either as directory search or as our commerce directory search.  All sites aggregate the users Collectic activity to their local Townbulletin as a news hub just as the Newspaper once was a hub of journalism for the community.

Our features are built to encourage trust in our journalism content. With group interaction the awareness of user connectivity interest and community action creates a filter for curated content to succeed.  The pilot is being developed to build our initial momentum from a basic bulletin, calendar and group site directory feature set for town and community interests within a framework of congressional district towns and neighborhoods.  We intend to focus our features as the go to calendar of the community with identity features of public group and private member access.  We intend using a "Crowd Funding" method of capitalization through services, sales and subscriptions to service features.  Our build methodology will focus first on member feedback to build our most requested service feature.  Potentials within the pilot towns and community areas of interest encourage our initial members to provide feedback to enhance the platform of features and help us define the most useful government and group information services.  We intend to expand by congressional district using the initial pilot as our model. Why?  We are all supported by one common link to our federal government a congressional representative!  What our representative is doing for the district is most important! Not what he/she is doing for an outside interests.  Collectic’s core focus is to build public trust for our government and for our journalism.  Without public trust no meaningful news or information provider can sustain itself.  All the features of Collectic both media, social or commerce are intent on this ultimate directive! 

The Service

Collectic’s eclectic platform was assembled to create advantages for communities from the varied interests of its membership. Collectic provides service to diverse groups or "Communities of Purpose"SM who share common interests of practice and purpose.  Members are connected through a common central registration our "Collectic" to a social to commerce catalogue and directory of content and feature search.  [ -, -].  Tools are provided via this niche topic network of community interest groups sites (#600) in addition to interactive topic sites and services of government and politics (#146) community bulletins (#80), blogs (#30), Mail (#40) and community commerce features and services (#95).  Collectic impacts open government and local internet journalism by providing these topic driven bulletin, blog, vlog, mail and calendar features as paid packaged services!

The primary destination of this Ven architecture of community service is the users common, as the hub for our members group content interest choices and local community interaction. All politics is local as is our social interaction!

Although technology connects us with the world, it often leaves us disconnected from those in our geographic community.  Through and our many local community sourced Directory, Bulletin, Blog/vlog, Group, Mail/SMS and content page services we offer to help our members use technology to find what they want, communicate their ideas and offer a means to improve their lives for their State, Town or interest Community.  Collectic brings people together from the real world through technology. Our mission is to drive members to use the platform as a tool for change, not just for social interaction.  Collectic is the “Community of Purpose” driven by information, news and interactivity to enable cooperation.

By actively courting members from specific topic channels as well as active real-world community and social groups, Collectic can mobilize members in specific markets around this country and the world.  Guests (members) will want to contribute local news, images and video about events and their lives.  All submissions will be via our service - a user generated content management engine that will dynamically arrange itself throughout the day based on incoming content.  Each town or state market has individual unique site addresses or urls e.g. Townbulletin, Policebulletin, Schoolbulletin, Parentbulletin, Businessgroups, Communitygroups, Seniorgroups, Healthgroups, Politicalgroups, Governmentgroups, Issuegroups, Studentgroups etc…..

Townbulletin acts as the center of the user community in a ven architecture hub structure of interaction for local community.  The links running off the user community Townbulletin are the common urls directed at our community service features.  Additionaly the individual URLs, and the various bulletins and page links combine through our content management service to create a news and information hub for local community content and public information.

Much as the newspaper serviced the community of the past the Townbulletin and our overall bulletin features combine to service the community.  Our page urls or links such as Editorialpage, Obituarypage, Classifiedpage, Sportspages, Funnypages and our other various news page links act to bring public interest content from the community back to the community. Some of which will be paid content.  As a newspaper acted in the past, members gain the ability to connect their content and commerce with their community overall.

A small localized editorial staff within each district will be charged with vetting content and eliminating unsavory or potentially libelous material as well as creating new content.  The best will be pushed out for the community to consume.  From this directory engine, content could be reviewed and edited for use in print publication that could highlight the best, most useful information from the total submissions by subject.  These print editions could circulate to the community under the Collectic brand and or from the portal topic channels as marketing tools.

This phase of the project seeks to allow members and students to learn - how to communicate more effectively and better understand what is happening among their peer groups - discover unique achievements and talents that might not normally be spotlighted - develop a habit of seeking high quality information that has been professionally edited: - adopt the most modern journalistic practices i.e. citizen journalism, web based production environments, multi format reporting.  A shared revenue model should be utilized after the project has reached a critical mass audience.

Who would want to use it, and why?  Everyone in the local community will have a need to participate in its use. Other networks have started by focusing on the student phase of social interaction but have failed to fully engage them in a purpose.  Our network focus is to engage all in purposeful activity.  Community is still an unfocused market.  Collectic means to engage members in purposeful interaction among established groups and resources within our user community.

Too often parents and teachers throw their hands in the air when asked about their teenage children/students. This is potentially a way to get a view into their thoughts, feelings and activities and to engage them in adult issues. Students would be equally driven to seek out this information, as they typically don't have time to understand what is happening in more than a small number of different social circles.  By engaging as many different divergent groups with members as mentors to students, from a variety of interests, we would highlight the myriad different personalities that begin to blossom during the teenage years.  This is a means to engage divergent social groups within a community to further the “It Takes A Village” philosophy.  This is certainly a significant benefit from the project

The key to Collectic's growth research shows action-oriented people continue to interact and invite new entrants to their field of interest.  Social networks do not hold participants who move, change jobs, or find other interests.  Motivated Collectic members will grow and attract new followers on a long-term basis. They inherently expand both topical interests and new members to join in their causes.  Their expanding interests are long term, not fleeting.

Collectic also plans alternative reality games and paid features! Games and features such as and will enhance the stickiness of community sponsorship, public volunteerism and charitable giving. Civic Village will offer civic prizes and discount reward points via to use with participating sponsor merchants. Games for good as a strategy will be prominent in our overall plans. 

This platform includes its Social Commerce services to:

Government and Political Networking too:

Public Service and Advocacy Groups,

Commerce and Business Groups,

Money and Finance Groups,

Community Groups,

Educational Groups,

Arts and Entertainment Groups,

Religious Groups,

Military Groups,

Health Groups,

Lifestyle Groups,

Sports, Travel and Recreation network services … and so on.

A user of Collectic’s platform of groups sites or member services first becomes a member of the Collectic platform by registration, prompted in selected instances by an individual member's or groups invitation.  Collectic’s primary access point is through our universal registration feature @  Access can be through any of our group or service applications or a participating site which may enlist to use Collectic as their registration to our features within their site!  Site participants are enabled to use Collectic registration under certain rules under which they participate in the larger context of the platform administration and guidelines. 

Registration process includes selecting User Name and Password and establishing member profile for association in and identity within the platform services and groups.  The set feature services Collectic provides its members include:

Group Topic Directory Services

Member Directory

Blue, White and Yellow Page Directory

Sales and Purchasing services

Contribution and funding services

News Content and Wire services

Advertising and Marketing services

Email, IM, RSS/SMS/MMS feeds,

Bulletin, Blog, Vlog and Wiki applications

Secondary Domain name registration

Video streaming

Web hosting and the like.

The Market:

The State of Connecticut's Center for Advanced Technology Grant Program and the University of Connecticut Finance dept initiated an independent study of the market potential and creation of a causal financial model of Collectic Media’s potential.  Three graduate students were deployed with various disciplined backgrounds of finance, engineering and marketing under the supervision of a Finance Dept instructor.  The study found our greatest market potential closely resembled an initiative to service local community news and information, among other like news services.  The study found Collectic to have significant enhanced market differentiation potentials.  Ask for the UConn Study materials and corresponding causal financial model. Management see's Collectic to be a variable of a few sites with features enhancing the overall potential of community interactivity. These sites variations are Yelp, Facebook, Patch and respectably.  Collectic Media's platform moves beyond the valuations of social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram and the like.  Collectic expands services through its Social, Political and Business end users personal niche interests.  Collectic’s community platform features encourage interactivity through a ven architecture of local use, Cooperation and localization of the community not just the individual.  Where others have been described as being like a social cocktail party, Collectic offers more sophisticated curated content to engage real community potentials. Collectic has identified 16 interest categories within those potentials to expand our members social and commerce reach.  Our platforms opportunities are severalfold compared to a single address portal display.  Collectic facilitates the creation and inclusion of other social network services and application features within the Collectic directory of community services.

The following statistics are an illustration of some of our market potential:

There are over 9000 U.S. communities with additional equal potential worldwide with a population demographic substantial enough to support an initiative to use our services.  There are 500,000 or so U.S. government elected officials in addition to the political parties, community and public service groups.  Our expansion comes from the community social organizations, committee members, staff, and the over 1,000,000 Non-Government Organizations, Political Action Committees, Lobbyists, Business, Community and Social groups in the U.S. market expanding globally.  Recent reports estimate that over 40,000 businesses, associations, and trade groups lobby state legislatures each year.  There are approximately 87,000 local US government entities, including 2,000 municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more, 7,000 with over 5,000 population.  Collectic promotes the potential for technology offerings to civic, social, political and governmental organizations in each of these, as a grass roots vehicle for matching political and community needs.  All Politics is Local. Collectic will be available in every municipality to activate Internet participation.

Competitive Advantage and Key Differentiation:

Collectic builds upon itself from a scale-able viral network of individual groups topic portals and services.  Collectic's founder foresaw the need for focused networking and content aggregation from local to state, national and international, not the reverse, for social, political and business communities of interest.  Collectic registered 3300+ key brand URLs (Domains) to act as external technology expansion channels or content clusters for extending the focus and scope of the networks search engine optimization (SEO) reach.  The system invites self-expansion where members find and create new areas of interest within topic categories.  Where Facebook and others started, we go further by expanding our roll within community. This is accomplished by the branded identity features and services we offer to the community and the individual user.  This allows us to promote our brands of services to community niche interests and to further our member features into search engines for promotional purposes SEO while we expand this scale-able viral platform.

This we know to be a significant differentiation in the market of community.

By actively courting members from specific topic channels as well as active real-world community and social groups, Collectic can mobilize members in specific markets around this country and the world.  Guests (members) will want to contribute local news, images and video about events and their lives.  All submissions will be via our service - a user generated content management engine that will dynamically arrange itself throughout the day based on incoming content.  Each town or state market has individual unique site addresses or urls e.g. Townbulletin, Policebulletin, Schoolbulletin, Businessgroups, Communitygroups etc…..

Townbulletin acts as the center of the user community in a ven architecture hub structure of interaction for local community.  The links running off the user community Townbulletin are the common urls directed at our community service features.  Additionaly the individual URLs, and the various bulletins and page links combine through our news service to create a news and information hub for local community content and public information.

Much as the newspaper serviced the community of the past. Collectic and its and our overall bulletin features combine to service the community as the internet continues to usurp local news media of the past. Our page urls or links such as Editorialpage, Obituarypage, Classifiedpage, Sportspages, Funnypages and our other various news page links act to bring public interest content from the community back to the community. Some of which will be paid content.  As a newspaper acted in the past, members gain the ability to connect their content and commerce with their community overall.

A small editorial staff will be charged with vetting content and eliminating unsavory or potentially libelous material.  The best will be pushed out for the community to consume.  From this web based engine, content could be reviewed and edited for use in print publication that could highlight the best, most useful information from the total submissions by subject.  These print editions could circulate to the community under the Collectic brand and or from the portal topic channels as marketing tools.

This phase of the project seeks to allow members and students to learn - how to communicate more effectively and better understand what is happening among their peer groups - discover unique achievements and talents that might not normally be spotlighted - develop a habit of seeking high quality information that has been professionally edited: - adopt the most modern journalistic practices i.e. citizen journalism, web based production environments, multi format reporting.  A shared revenue model should be utilized after the project has reached a critical mass audience.

Who would want to use it, and why?  Everyone in the local community should want to participate in its use. Other networks have started by focusing on the student phase of social interaction but have failed to fully engage them in a purpose.  Our network focus is to engage all in purposeful interactivity.  Community in particular is still an unfocused market.  Collectic means to engage members in purposeful interactivity among established groups and resources within our users community.

Too often parents and teachers throw their hands in the air when asked about their teenage children/students. This is a way to get a view into their thoughts, feelings and activities and to engage them in adult issues. Students would be equally driven to seek out this information, as they typically don't have time to understand what is happening in more than a small number of different social circles.  By engaging as many different divergent groups with members as mentors to students, from a variety of interests, we would highlight the myriad different personalities that begin to blossom during the teenage years.  This is a means to engage divergent social groups within a community to further the “It Takes A Village” philosophy.  This is certainly a significant benefit from the project

The key to Collectic's growth research shows action oriented people continue to interact, and invite new entrants to their field of interest.  Social networks do not hold participants who move, change jobs, or find other interests.  Motivated Collectic members will grow and attract new followers on a long-term basis. They inherently expand both topical interests and new members to join in their causes.  Their expanding interests are long term, not fleeting.

Marketing Strategy:

A major goal of any Internet platform is to drive membership and traffic.  As a first year goal, Collectic Media plans to register 35 million members distributed among 600 interest groups and its various service categories.  To this end, Collectic will employ all available marketing tools to promote  and its registrant feature  Initially we will launch the pilots group features to initiate traffic flow then move to deploy the hub and spoke features of the network as traffic allows.  Our primary focus, or the hub of the network offering where the users see the results of their participation is their local.Townbulletin!   Its corresponding bulletin and news page features are focused to provide services to any municipality throught the world.  After a period of time to test our functionality and the potential is established in all 432 congressional districts an expansion outside the U.S. will occur.  Experienced marketing and public relations personnel we intend to employ, or contract will manage these activities.  Collectic will be promoted as "Communities of Purpose", a super networking site, or as “The Niche Network”.

Our primary approach to build traffic is to reach out to major organizations and their local chapters within each topic category to upgrade their listings within our search and directory features to help build outreach within our platform.   Sponsor ad revenue from publications within each category can be addressed as a revenue stream. Publications can act as co-marketing partners whereby trades of ad space can enable us to attract attention within the topic category while keeping down ad costs. Publication Subscriptions can be used as incentives to become paid members.    We will restrict traffic initially to while we establish a cashflow.  It is also our intent to keep our initial traffic to those who wish to use our platform to build a presence on the net by bulletin, blog or groups features!    

We feel a strong reliance on niche advertising, public relations and viral email promotion from member interest are our most appropriate means of marketing promotion.  Co-op ad networking, working with established print media, marketing niche topic services ie: Skiing magazine to Ski groups, AARP to Senior groups etc.   This is primarily a niche topic platform with commerce and content features to foster a news and localized engagement platform.

Click though ads, Adword style advertisement promoting Collectic can be established once a budget can be established and tested for results. 

Although this technique may not be used as a primary tool it should be discussed. The average cost of adword advertisement in Google/Yahoo/MSN/Oath/Facebook is in the range of $0.25 and up.  Collectic has compile a list of 5,000 or so keywords for

placement in each of the three major search engines.  If we expect 10 clicks per word and at that rate, the adword advertisement would cost $1,000,000 annually.

Public relations techniques in a gorilla marketing effect should be most cost effective.  This would likely bring a more controlled traffic flow to test and build off for a steady reliable growth curve.  This network's potential has been created with the focus to be unsurpassed in its ability to promote from niche markets.  Local lawn and temporary street sign placements for Town.Townbulletin or School.Studentbulletin, Town.Seniorbulletin signs temporarily placed on roads and bridges.   A campaign of  

Public relations is a primary means of traffic enhancement.  The story is primary as a media force.  How this media network is received is going to be the responsibility of Public relations. Keeping the customer interested in helping us build a usable service they can rely, and trust is essential.  The story is what sells the product.  How the founder created this network, the struggle and perseverance to create the potential to serve the community etc.  The founders personal experience will be a major aspect of selling the network.  A movie depicted the founder of Facebook as someone you would not necessarily want to do business with, let alone trust your personal data too.  The trajectory of that network and its user base has continued to grow non-the-less.  Publicity good or bad is said to always be good as it develops traffic.

The competition namely MSN, Oath, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Twitter etc. are well established and are also major resources of promotion.  The industry has created an open environment to work off each other as a source for traffic.  We have designed Collectic to offer a unique approach to the open government market of social and community interactivity.  Through our viral approach to community service, which uses a niche approach to user interest, we differentiate our offerings from the competition.

Each group url or portal url will be offered as a resource to locate the users individual localized group content need.  Vision the 7,000 U.S. communities with population of 5,000 or more with just 50 of our 600 group topic content clusters or our bulletin services utilizing its own subdomain url as a niche branded service to the community.  That translates to 350,000 unique identities spider’d throughout search engines of the web. If each unique identity created 100 unique users within a year we would be much farther along than others had been in their first years.

Others have used niche groups as an approach to launching their services.  Linkedin to business, Facebook to college students and faculty, Myspace to youth are a few.  Collectic sees the local community as its foundation for growth.  Using, as the hub of the content network our strongest potential comes from our local engagement via government and politics.

In closing this section, maximizing the use of our 1000 or so urls in what is referred to as a “wildcard” approach whereby each url has the ability to recreate a separate identity.  Examples are:,,,, etc.  This has a unique potential whereby hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of urls will facilitate the growth of Collectic’s potential.


Revenue Projections:

Collectic has adopted a profit-based approach to an altruistic business model providing the public a gateway to open government and the community interests that they serve.  Cash may flow from five potential independent sources i.e. user fees - subscriptions to content and services, application services, development services, advertising and marketing listing services.  Each of these draws from a wide variety of sources with diverse needs and interests. Sources include Community, political, social, and business groups, NGO's, PAC's, political parties, office holders and seekers and the local community.  Collectic positions itself to be the medium of choice news and information for community involvement, government action and commerce services.  The model is flexible and responsive to the needs of users at every level.  The wild card search engine optimization dynamic we deploy provides significant traffic promotion capability to quickly make Collectic predictably a dominant portal destination in its categories.  Collectic Media may use revenue sharing models with groups and organizations for advertising sales.

Revenue potentials include:

Polling services

Job posting

Site, Search and Directory engine inclusion and positioning

Blog, mail and bulletin enhanced features

Service provider fees – Hosting, Domain name purchase, Optimization

Affiliate referral fees (Dating, obituary, shopping, etc.)

Advertising Services – Sponsored search results, pay per click or pay for performance, Banner, contextual, RSS, SMS, email, lead generation, - Campaign services

Collectic will typically use what is called a Freemium approach to its services.  Whereby the user is given something for free or free use of a service then encouraged to upgrade to a more robust set of features.


Polling services – Charges for polling services to members by interest, activity, gender, demographic etc. Small insertion fee, plus pay per response based fee, fee .25$ for 100 response minimum.  User creates campaign, user pays upfront for service.  The 100 response feature may be the free minimum and an upgrade would be to larger number responses.

Job posting – Charge for job posting by demographic.  Employee posts resume blog for free, Business is charged a fee for search of potential resumes and for job posting in Job Bulletin.  The Fee  typically is based on flat fee per month, per category by demographic.  A multiple category and demographic fee structure may apply. charges $75.00 per category per month.  A free week or month trial per business offer whereby a fee would be charged to give the user the opportunity to see the effectiveness of the service may apply. We should also offer a posting service to other free job posting services as a part of our service to enhance our offering and traffic.  We may initially partner with an outside service to enhance this offer.

Search, Catalogue and Directory engine inclusion - Pay for inclusion service fees typically includes a monthly search engine inclusion or refresh to multiple search engines.  Fee includes a review of content by editorial staff within a timely manner.  Fee is annual and starts at $299 for Yahoo.  Google offers a free service, which only includes inclusion in Google’s engine and guarantees no promise of service.

Service Provider Fees: Blog, mail and bulletin enhanced features: Cloud services, Storage, Hosting, Domain name purchase, search engine optimization etc.  Basic free features are typical of offerings by service providers with enhanced features on a fee basis.  Enhanced features would include additional capability to have others provide postings to blogs or bulletins, privatization, and business member services. Mail services could have access to both extended functionality or members.

Affiliate Referral Fees - (Dating), (Shopping), (Obituary) all these sites and many other similar services offer a referral fee for either listings, purchases or members. supplies obituary services to the New York Times. supplies dating services to Yahoo and many other dating services.  Collectic doesn't have to be the provider of the service just the channels to find good services.

Advertising Services – This section is the primary source of income for most internet services.  The following ad revenue examples are typical of most content services.  Sponsored search results, pay per click or pay for performance, Banner, contextual, rss, email, lead generation.  Pay per click better known as pay for performance is typically offered on a bid basis, whereby advertisers offer a bid for placement with .25 cents per click minimum.

Other options include the following page offerings.  Costs vary depending on level of service.

Homepage Big Ad - This position provides an extremely visible, high impact format.  Ideal for special events, such as new campaigns or product launches.

Homepage Marketplace - This static ad placement creates an enormous amount of awareness. This position generates a high volume of impressions and valuable leads.

Homepage Day Part Module - This fixed position ad is fully integrated with relevant content on the Homepages of Collectic's topic pages - Ideal for building brand awareness, promoting a time sensitive offer and generating leads based on user profiles.

Full Page Interstitial's - Increase product and brand awareness with a Full Page Interstitial.  This advertising position provides total exclusivity and can be combined with targeting options.

Search Sponsorship - Become part of a user's entire search experience with prominent logo placement on our homepages, section topic fronts, sub-channels and article.  To complete the experience, logo and banner ads are carried forward on search results.

Site for a Day - Create an enormous amount of awareness through a static placement on Collectic topic pages.  Site for a Day positions generate a high volume of impressions and leads.

Text Links - Increase awareness through a static placement on Collectic topic links.  Use as a lead generation tool or to build brand awareness alongside our topic pages and search results. – Acts as our digital advertising agency.  Developing Client campaigns will be its primary function. will deploy all the ad services of the network in addition to providers such as Yahoo, Google, AOL, Ask etc.  This will also assist in maintaining our inhouse talent pool.

Expense Projections:

Key Expenses include:

R&D Expenses

This is projected to be of the order of $250,000 and will continue to expand as an expense year over year as the network and revenue grows.  The bulk of R&D work can be outsourced. An in-house staff of 2 persons to manage and coordinate the initial R&D effort can limit costs.  

Initial Staffing Expenses

· A core staff of 10 full time positions in the first months is envisioned. This includes

· Acting CEO

· Office Manager

· HR Agents (1) to coordinate hiring of team members.

· Marketing /PR person - outsourced

· HR Managers (2) to manage marketing and services.

· R & D Staff (7) to coordinate and manage the Development effort – outsourced.       Will build further development team members as project starts to scale.

· Content Managers (3) to manage blogs and content gathering

At a loaded cost of $70,000 per year the employee payroll expenses are projected to be less than $1,000,000. This cost will expand significantly as expansion occurs.

The amount of staff and other expenses is relative to the market acceptance of our services and the extent to which we can use cash flow to self-fund operations and growth.  It has become a necessity for the project to approach the market in this way given the economic condition of the economy.  The funding market also responds favorably to services that use a viral self-funding approach.  Concern for profit is not the primary objective it’s survival.

Cost of Acquiring the Staff

To recruit Commissioned Sales force, we need to advertise in,, and or similar such websites.  This adds an expense of about $50,000.  The in-house HR agents will screen the candidates and make appropriate hiring.

Projected Roll out Schedule;

The company has projected an initial development cost of 50,000 for a beta pilot model.  We would then shortly thereafter have the ability to recruit sales associates from mirroring the beta model to other congressional districts and towns. The intent is to develop teams around the model districts in support of journalism, sales and services.  It is critical to recruit a team to begin marketing services and sponsorship opportunities in the beta stage of the project.  Each district will be its own beta developing acceptance into the community. Collectic intends recruit from the Journalism, Specialty Advertising and Digital marketing industries for personnel.  All these markets offer skills which bring expertise to assist in our growth.  It is crucial to establish a cash flow from the start.  Collectic may at first restrict access to certain services or provide access only to those who are active paid subscribers utilizing its content and marketing services.  We are considering to target a specific niche while rolling out the full extension of services.  A formal Roll out schedule and promotional campaign will be prepared as we get closer to realizing our funding goals.

The listed amounts below or “Funding Request and Use of Proceeds” are for an initial roll out.  The beta launch will obviously create a truer picture of the capital demands of the enterprise.  This company has been designed and will be initiated as a self-funding grass roots project.  Created to be sustainable from the start our intent is to roll this out in beta to a select congressional district community.  We are intent on Town Government and State Legislature being our rollout topic as others have done to markets such as the education community.

Collectic will offer a paid service contribution initiative promoted to those within the initial online trial groups. Collectic will launch an associate employment campaign along with an advertising promotion campaign to business promoting our potential to the community initiating a sponsor ad sales campaign from the start.

Collectic may offer select groups of services to the initial group for a discounted price to assist in our capital demands.  Collectic may only need a portion of the funds listed.  It is unknown what the reception will be from the public.  Initial receptions from those who we have approached that are industry savvy and realize our uniqueness have indicated we should get significant market share.  What that market share will be is unknown.  Any market share from competitors previously mentioned will translate to significant revenue. Some of our competitors have not been profitable in their respective enterprises to date.  This is because they went for major growth and continual updating of technology servicing an unknown market while loosing money.  They were lucky to enter the market at a time when money was readily available and uncaring as to the immediate results.  This is not the case for Collectic.  It will be necessary to maintain a strict sense of control to maintain costs to manage our growth.  Collectic enters a market still maturing to its potential with services anticipated but under served.

Funding Requirments:

Collectic is looking to raise an initial $1,000,000.

Use of proceeds:

Development R&D/consulting service   250,000

Management expenses                           100,000

Acxiom directory data                            100,000

Office expense                                          50,000

Office help                                                70,000

URL Cost                                                  35,000

Marketing Expenses

Collateral Materials                                   10,000

Recruitment services                                 30,000

Marketing Dir.                                        120,000

Marketing Support Staff                         120,000

Travel                                                        30,000

Publicist                                                     50,000

Legal & Accounting                                  40,000

Cloud Server Expenses                               45,00

Miscellaneous                                           50,000

Total                                                   $1,000,000

Key Principals:

Terry Kelliher - Founder Collectic Media - Terry fostered the idea for Collectic during the dot com bubble of 2000 and nurtured the idea to its present stage of development.  He currently is principal owner of a digital design and advertising agency.

Dr. Muthu Sankaran - is a Graduate of IIT Bombay, India (receiving his master’s degree in Electronics) and Stevens Institute of Technology (where he received his Doctorate).  Dr. Sankaran has 25 years experience in computer technology, primarily in software development.  He has worked for Philips Research Labs, Gerber Systems Technology, CIGNA, Lincoln National and Mass Mutual.  He founded Controls and Drives Corporation (Telecommunications) and Packaged Communication Technology (CAD/CAM software systems).  He is currently a consultant to several companies. 

Appendix 1

Data Resources used Collectic:

The data resources for Collectic’s search capability include:

  •  SIC (Standard Industry Code) information that is publicly available and contains business directory sorted by SIC code.
  •  NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) information that is publicly available and contains business directory sorted by NAICS code.
  •  Zipcodes database that helps localized and regional search
  •  Government database services – - etc, other national and international governmental data sources where applicable.
  •  Lucene or Yahoo search BOSS development tools or alternative open source search directory tools.
  •  Axciom data- residential and business.

Collectic's interactive platform is aimed at providing a fulfilling user experience while promoting the formation of long-lasting and "sticky" communities. The overall objective is ensure both new and existing members frequently revisit their Collectic "Communities of Purpose" and remain involved for extended periods of time.

Collectic is developed as a trusted network where each community participant's identity is known within the communities where the respective participant has elected to register using his/her real name. Collectic guarantees that each member's user data is only used within the Collectic community network to provide a better user experience.

A. Develops low cost but high quality/content rich web portal channels for Government, non-profit organizations and topic specific groups connecting individual users to each other via the internet and through the phone.  The network utilizes government and user provided information sources as content to initiate interaction.  Members source news resources such as RSS news acquisition and blogging as examples of added content to reference as important to other portal channel members.

B. Portals are organized locally (district/city/state) or functionally providing strong incentive for local or other business to sponsor and buy ads

C. Over 3300 URL identities have been reserved to form the basis of the Collectic Network and it's services.  Individuals will form their own porta, bulletins, blogs, groups and page sites using on screen templates and limited interaction with Collectic personnel required.  Use of common name backbone and interconnecting links will facilitate higher search engine rankings for our community users.

The primary emphasis is on local community interests and activity.  The level of interest expands the member’s use to state, regional and national niche groups and services.  The following diagram illustrates the ties between local and national associations.

Collectic Media provides niche options of content and identity.  Each portal channel is directed at a specific group of interest or niche.  Our hierarchical nature of construction offers the user focused options of access to content.  The opportunity to keep the purpose of the discussion directed to the content of the portal offering e.g. to women’s interests or to health issues etc.

Appendix 2:

Domain Summary:

The following examples express the path from an initial localized topic homepage for the individual registered user.  The links from each of the following pages provide local content and can be expanded in relevant search paths of regional, state and national content.  Each portal can be accessed by its URL name e.g. etc.  Each portal services a group path (seniorgroups, womensgroups etc.) to the network to provide services.

In the context of commercial applications ( is used as a central directory search application to access our local commercial catalogue and service portals.

Examples:,,,, etc.

From the Collectic home page, 16 group topic categories as well as the networks service applications can be accessed. The following examples of how the topics work in relation to the network.

Governmentgroups home page – is the super portal of government related sites within the Collectic Network. This is a topic category portal accessed on the Collectic home page along with the other 16 topic categories. Governmentgroups gives access to International, National, State and Local government sites and are referenced via the explore option on the page. Each of the topic categories works similarly within the network. Each topic in the explore option is a separate portal channel and can be accessed separately via its own url which is spidered into search engines to create our viral market potential.

Politicalgroups - Links political portals and state and local party websites nationally. Links to political activity of individuals and groups. Links from here include Republicanstateparty, Democraticstateparty,, Jefferson-Jackson-members only portals for elected party officials, Nationalcommittee, statecentralcommittee. Statechairman, stateexecdir, Townchairman, Countychairman, towncommittee, countycommittee, towngovernment, stategovernment, committeemen, Communitygroups, Politicalgroups, laborgroups, Pacmail, politicomail, Laborleader, Unionactivist, Communityactivist, Politicalcampaign, Politicalpolls, Democraticvoters, Republicanvoters, Independentvoters, Politician, Politicaladvisor, Economicadvisor, Capitalvote, Capitalreview, Campaignadvisor, Domesticpolicyissues, Stateissues, Federallegislation, Statelegislature, executivebranch, Legislativecaucus, Congressperson, Senatorial. All these URls act as separate portal offerings to service each vertical niche group and the constituents or members that interact with them.

Additional Examples of Portal Channels:

Communitygroups - The community network offering. This is the home page to creating or finding a community group within their town or region, state and nation. Contains a search engine and a listing of group channels for easy access and use. Services off this page are to create a group and the finding of groups within the registered users community. Form a temporary group on an issue etc. Womensgroups, Mensgroups, Churchgroups, Spiritualgroups, Seniorgroups, Studentgroups, Collegegroups, Childrensgroups, Learninggroups, Parentgroups, Singlesgroups, Culturalgroups, Civicgroups, Ethnicgroups, Serviceclubs, , Servicegroups, Veterangroups, Specialinterestgroups, Consumergroups etc. etc.

Stategovernments has two initial pages one that indexes all states then individual state pages which has a search engine to link the user to our state website url links with indexed pages - key word driven. Links from our list include - stategovernor, Executivebranch, stateattorneygeneral, statetreasurer, stateconsumerprotection, statecomptroller, statelegislature, statelegislator, legislativecaucus, legislators, staterepresentative, Congressperson, Senatorial, generalassembly, freedomofinformation, secretaryofstate, registrarofvoters, Votersregistration, statesenate, Stateboards,  publicservices, communitycalendar, statebulletin Childrensservices, stateissues, Consumeractivist, Communityactivist, Consumertesting, Federallegislation (effecting individual states) Domesticpolicyissues,

Towngovernment - Town government home page - two pages - first, lists all the towns of the state or provides a search of towns, the other is for individual towns and has a search engine link to town related websites and information with indexed pages - keyword driven. Links on this home page from our list include: Wherecouldibuy, Communitygroups, Communitycalendar, Childrensservices, Policebulletin, Publicservices, Politicalgroups, Towncouncils, Townboards, Schoolcommittee, Mayorsoffice, Firstselectmen, selectmen, townclerk, townmanager, zoningboard, planningboard, Federalgovernment, towncommittee, Registrarofvoters, communityactivist, Contribution2, Votersregistration, Publicauctionblock, Tagsaleonline, Iconcur, statelegislators, stategovernment, Provides features to create a temporary group providing forums on issues before town or state government. Links to state representatives, congressman senators etc. Groups such as will offer opt-in tools to communicate to other groups within the network.

Townbulletin – This site offers access to over 40 different bulletin applications focused on community information e.g. policebulletin, highschoolbulletin, churchnewsbulletin etc. The town bulletin for each member is referenced by the users ID which brings local content forward when the member accesses any of the links within the network. Links on a users townbulletin include Towndirectory, Obituarypage, Tagesaleonline, CollecticCatalogue, Editorialpage, Communitycalendar etc.

The Townbulletin page provides notices of concern to the town, has links to other areas of the community. offers a calendar feature to each community, region and state. Provides a scrolling banner of local government notices. Next meetings features etc. All of the following page links are accessible from this page.

Towndirectory – Directory of town personnel, resources and links. Also could provide a street by street directory of members profiles. Links from this page include townbulletin, communitycalendar, publicservices etc.

Publicservices - Public service links from town bulletin, police bulletin, and town government pages. Search engine provides information and links to public services within a town, region and state. Other  links on this page include towndirectory, childrenservices, communitygroups, Consumergroups. Communityservice, Communityactivist.

Policebulletin - Similar to town bulletin page focused on police department information with notices to the community. Interactive features include Start a block watch group via another of our public service portal channel offerings within your community etc.

Additional Service Descriptions:

Communitycalendar - A notice directory to town, region, state and national events. Town and topic events by date. Can also provide calendaring tools to other sites. Other links on this page include community services.

Contribute2 - Provides the ability to contribute to various charities or causes within a town, state and national to individuals, groups and organizations. Also provides the contribution technology to sites via a shopping cart technology offering.Other link sites on this page are, Contributions2, Contributors, Communitygroups, Communityservices, Publicservices, Politicalgroups, etc.

Wherecouldifind ( - Search engine directory to the whole network.  Searches by town, region, congressional district, State and National - Keyword search, blogs/vlog,catalogues,members, groups, by topic etc.

Wherecouldibuy ( - Search by town region and state. Keyword search commerce links. Catalogue services directory.

AsktheKnowledgeable - a member driven service to bring knowledgeable members in contact with those who are uninformed on topics of the groups subject topic. This service may be expanded to include a service staff to direct service and resources to members.

Email -,,,,,,,,,, Posthumousmail, Email services and others are directed at specific niche markets.

Publicauctionblock/ - Local and regional auction and classified services.  Should partner here with existing service but maintain local/regional flavor.  A piece of the transaction fee goes to a local charity of choice. Fee based to us. Tagsaleonline provides classified advertising features to community and has a regional and state listings feature. - Acts as our hub of SMS, RSS  to Mail and IM client services.  Should integrate with mail services, polling etc.

Moneyadvice - List resources for financial counseling and tax services, local brokerage resources, financial news feed etc.  Links also include investmentgroups, Moneyadvisor, IRSfiling, Newsfeed, Stockquotes.

Page options - Editorialpage, Sportspages, Funnypages, etc Example: - Notices of local obituaries with a memorial site section for permanent blog placement. This can be offset from advertising from Mortuaries, burial services, cemeteries, churches etc. - shopping notices and search for sales. This may be a partnered site.

Dating - This site aggregates the online dating options available. These sites offer a cut of the fee for bringing clients. etc. We may just partner with one provider as AOL does. - Travel site which may aggregate other sites or act in partnership with Expedia or other like service. - Has links to home sales and services other links provided here are, bankownedhomes,, local real estate links. - Provides site services and consulting to clients from marketing and advertising to web development.